Sup, /agdg/. Here's a little Arkanoid clone made with Unity 4.6

Based on a tutorial I found online, but I added indestructible blocks and the "special" blocks which spawn additional balls myself, and score/counting remaining blocks - yay! There's no winning condition yet, and if you lose all balls you're fucked and have to quit the game manually or change to the next level with SPACE. Man if I'd knew how easy Unity is I would have started making games with it long ago...

Controls are like one would expect:

A/D, Arrow Left/Right, Gamepad Left/Right. Joysticks should work too, but didn't test that.


New in v0.3: title screen and 2 levels (please note that you need to change to next level with SPACE, there's no check yet if all stones are gone or if all balls are gone. score is forgotten on level change too, so this stuff will be the next task if I decide to continue working on this game)

Made withUnity